
Elkan and I are reading this book ‘能闻出小孩子的味儿的乌龟’ (A tortoise that recognises the scent of a child)  Without reading the book, I can already guess what ‘小孩子的味儿’ (The scent of a child) is.

I love 小孩子的味儿. I am sure if the 乌龟 (Tortoise) comes to my house, he will be very happy. Elkan and Elias (and of course Samuel) are full of the smell of a child.

I love it that at age 11, Elias still loves dressing up in Chinese traditional costume to go to school for CNY.  Despite the costume being a tad too small for him.

I love it that Elias was super excited about making little ribbons for a hamper which their class was wrapping for the residents of Bishan Home.

I love it that Elkan was so excited about his ‘plan’ to convert all his coins in his coin bank into notes, that he requested that I blog about it.

I liked what was written on this page in the book.  This girl Angie, said this about her mother – that the mother likes boys who are like mini-adults. (Precocious, I suppose).  Then there was an interaction between Angie and the mother.  The mother was furious with Angie for not reading the ‘assigned’ book.

Mother:”The reading class’ teacher is a well-known professional – she said that these books are worth spending our whole lifetime reading”.

Child: “Mum, a lifetime is a long time.  Why are you in such a hurry for me to read the book?  I will live at least for 80 years, why can’t I read it later?  Why don’t you just let me read books that I like now?”

This passage describes so well how I feel about the lives of children nowadays.  Why are we in such a hurry for our children to grow up?  I love having the boys being boys.

As I was writing this, Elkan came tripping out with his bolster on his head, asking me to tie it for him.  He said that he is a 蓝头巾, and that if Elias comes out with his red bolster, he will be a 红头巾.  It was so amusing, I took a picture of them below.  I love them, my little boys, my 红头巾,蓝头巾.  May they forever remain childlike.  Life is so much more wonderful when we live as children.

Samsui Women - downloaded

红头巾, 蓝头巾


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