26th Apr 2013

Tomorrow’s another big day

I love the comic strip “Calvin and Hobbes”. I started reading it before I became a mother. I think that reading it prepared me somewhat for my being a mother...

10th Apr 2013

谢谢你,对不起。Thank you, and Sorry.

This is written, in appreciation for, and as a tribute to Chinese teachers. Yet this story has a sad ending. I really appreciate the children’s Chinese teachers. It is not...

21st Feb 2013

With the much you have been given

This just takes the biscuit.  Just when I was telling friends that it is ok not to be able to read by P1, because I chose to believe the educators’...

18th Feb 2013

Living as Children of Light

I have a thirteen year old who is as sweet as a baby, a ten year old who is like a fourteen year old, and a six year old who...

03rd Feb 2013

Living together, loving one another

The relationships amongst the brothers have always been of paramount importance to us.  As they were growing up, we put in a lot of effort in ensuring harmonious relationships amongst...

01st Feb 2013

A litter at a time – a child at a time

Everyday Samuel goes to school with his friend, N.  N has been picking up litter with us, whenever I remember to bring along a plastic bag. We do it just for...

31st Jan 2013

Exercising – for the love of the family

Finally, for the first time in many years, I set a resolution to exercise regularly. I have always disliked setting exercise resolutions.  The main reason is that I don’t like...

29th Jan 2013

A different sort of P1

I have been reading posts from other blogger mothers whose children started Primary one this year.  There were happy stories about visits to the bookshops, and heart-wrenching ones about children...

15th Jan 2013

I am my brother’s keeper

I just read two articles on the Connecticut shooting. One talks about the relationship between video game companies and gun manufacturers, and another blamed the deaths on gun. Both video...

07th Nov 2012

Celebrating the child for life

I wrote about Samuel’s mini performance at his kindergarten, and about how delighted and proud parents were of their children.  In turn, Samuel was so happy and excited to see...

07th Nov 2012

Samuel the Jolly Postman

Today Samuel did a little performance at his kindergarten. He was acting as Jolly Postman, who delivered a letter from Goldilocks to the ‘House of bear’. I must say that...

21st Sep 2012

I will teach you in ways you can understand

Today is the last class which Samuel will be taking at Berries.  真是有点儿不舍得。One of the reasons we stopped is because Samuel does not really like his current class. At first...
