22nd Oct 2014

Friendship with Siri

I read an article today that really touched me. It is about how an autistic boy developed a friendship with Siri, the personal assistant in the Apple device. (Written by...

27th Jun 2014

Why, got problem ah? Deal with it!

Last Friday Edmund and I were interviewed on 93.8 live. We were invited to share about how we bring up our children. We would never pass off any opportunity to...

05th Mar 2014

Mediating Grace

My husband and I are currently taking an online course at “Business Leadership School“. In one of the lessons, we learned about “Mediating Grace”. What it means is that it...

31st Jul 2013

Thank you Elias, for making me a performer

I have a Grade 8 certificate in piano. But I stopped playing the piano after I got married, because I had left the piano back at my mother’s place. When...

01st Feb 2013

A litter at a time – a child at a time

Everyday Samuel goes to school with his friend, N.  N has been picking up litter with us, whenever I remember to bring along a plastic bag. We do it just for...

22nd Oct 2012

They are growing, and so must we

Aa part of his after PSLE activity, I got Elkan to read some of my books.  One book which I thought he might enjoy was Amy Chua’s Battle Hymn of...

21st Sep 2012

I will teach you in ways you can understand

Today is the last class which Samuel will be taking at Berries.  真是有点儿不舍得。One of the reasons we stopped is because Samuel does not really like his current class. At first...

18th Sep 2012

Formula for 11 times table

It is strange, but these two days, Elkan has been saying lots of “I’m so smart!” to himself and no one in particular.  I asked him whether he is doing...

03rd May 2012

Children are meant to be loved

I wonder how much parents know about what their children go through in school.  Or am I the only one whose children suffer abuse in the hands of their teachers?...

Thank you God, for the leaves

After a discouraging Spelling test, God gave me something beautiful today.  Samuel wrote this on my friend’s ipad. I don’t always understand how God works.  I only know that He...

20th Apr 2012

The Story of the Small man and the Big man (By Samuel Choo)

There was a small man and there was a big man.  Their names were Smallman and Bigman. They were both in the water.  They were playing in the water.  Bigman...

13th Apr 2012

A Day at the Singapore Zoo (by Samuel Choo)

Today is a sunny day. Samuel Choo and his mum went to the Zoo. What animals did Samuel Choo see? He saw the Otters.  He saw the Flamingos. He saw...
